Academic articles (secondary sources)
Biblioteca Virtual de Macau
Free digital library for publications from Macao. Includes many journals of local academic institutions and e-books issued by government and educational institutions.
Chinese Periodicals Index
Indexing titles of Chinese and Western language periodicals published in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau, some have full text, some are index only, but searching journal titles will find them as open resources on their own platform.
Hong Kong Journals Online
This open access platform is a full-text image database providing access to selected academic and professional journals, both in English and Chinese, published in Hong Kong.
National Center for Philosophy & Social Science Documentation
This open access platform includes nearly 2500 journals (期刊&集刊&辑刊), 20,000 Chinese rare books (high resolution scan but with water marks). (Institutions can request institutional IP based access)
PubScholar (Chinese)
Published by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, PubScholar is a free database for academic journal articles, pre-prints, patents and scholarly datasets. Content is mostly focused on the sciences and engineering.
Biographical Databases
China Biographical Database Project (CBDB)
A freely accessible relational database with biographical information about 535,181 individuals as of February 2024, primarily from the 7th through 19th centuries.
Dictionnaire Biographique de la Chine Occupée
The Biographical Dictionary of Occupied China (BDOC) seeks to address a significant lacuna in the scholarship surrounding the Japanese occupation of China (1937-1945). Remarkably, there exists no dedicated biographical dictionary on this subject in Chinese, Japanese, or Western languages. While the BDOC does not purport to be comprehensive, it endeavors to elucidate the structure of the Japanese occupation state in China through the diverse biographical pathways of its key figures. Each entry, besides internal cross-references within the BDOC, provides hyperlinks to external online resources, such as the Biographical Dictionary of the International Labor Movement (often referred to as the "Maitron"), the Biographical Dictionary of Republican China (colloquially known as the "Boorman"), and the Historical Dictionary of Japan.
Modern China Biographical Database
MCBD is a freely accessible relational database that aims at recording all the historical actors active in China in the Late Qing and Republican periods (1830--1949), regardless of their origin, nationality and the duration of their presence in China. MCBD currently holds data on more than 75,000 individuals, with information on 20,000 positions and 6,000 curricula/degrees, as well as 10,000 institutions and 14,000 companies. A major feature of MCBD is to present individuals under all the forms their name took, both in Chinese and in all sorts of transliterations in Western-language sources.
Treasury of Lives
The Treasury of Lives is a biographical encyclopedia of Tibet, Inner Asia, and the Himalayan region. In development since 2007, it provides accessible and well-researched biographies of notable individuals who are deceased and who were native to the region. Most essays are peer reviewed. Content is enhanced by a dynamic map.
Contemporary Documents
PRC State Council Archive (EN)
This is a free resource by the Chinese government giving access to White Papers and Ministry Documents in English translation.
Party History Ebook Archive
Provided by the Chinese research Institute for Chinese Communist Party History this database gives access to the collected works and speeches of Party leaders and document collections such as the 建党以来重要文献 and 建国以来重要文献 series.
Xi Jinping Speeches Database
This is a free resource provided by the state-owned People's Daily newspaper.
Xinjiang Documentation Project
The Xinjiang Documentation Project is a multi-disciplinary research project based at the Institute for Asian Research in the School of Public Policy and Global Affairs at the University of British Columbia and the Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies Department at Simon Fraser University. The Project collects, preserves, assesses, and makes available documentary information on the extrajudicial detention of Uyghurs, Kazakhs, and other ethnic groups in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Northwestern China. Our scope and priorities are: making key documents available, assessing their reliability, presenting the material for the general public, and giving a platform to share the lived experiences, providing regular updates on the ongoing situation in the region, and organizing periodic speaker series.
Cross-collection search and discovery
Chinese big sets in IVY-Plus Libraries
In recent years publishers in mainland China have printed large collections of primary and secondary print material. This spreadsheet, maintained by Joshua Seufert of Princeton Libraries, provides information on bibliographic and Ivy Plus holding information for large sets of primary source materials published in mainland China. The list is current through July 2024 and contains 2947 titles currently held by Ivy Plus Libraries. The OCLC library codes are :RBN Brown, CGU Chicago, ZCU Columbia, COO Cornell, DRB Dartmouth, NDD Duke, HUL Harvard (Main Library and Yenching), HFL Harvard Fine Arts, HVL Harvard Law, JHE Johns Hopkins, PUL Princeton, PAU Upenn, STF Stanford, YUS Yale, and CRL Center for Research Libraries.
CrossAsia Integrated Text repository
CrossAsia is a portal for discovering primary and secondary materials in Asian Studies. A discovery service for full-text cross-database searching in a number of East Asian Studies databases and full-text search in printed books.
East Asian Gateway Service
The EAGS, supported by the University of Pittsburgh Library System, focuses on free delivery of full-text Chinese academic publications to researchers. The EAGS delivers Chinese documents to any individual researchers for research and teaching purpose or non-profit organizations who cannot find the needed item in any U.S. libraries.
ReCAP Chinese Journals public list
This spreadsheet provides holding information on 1350 Chinese periodicals that are archived by libraries of the ReCAP consortium. ReCAP includes Columbia University, Princeton University, Harvard University, and The New York Public Library.
Digital Archives, History
Archives of the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica
The online system of the Archives of the Institute of Modern History (AIMH), Academia Sinica, provides readers with catalog search and digital image viewing. The documents housed in the Archives can be roughly grouped into five categories: Foreign Ministry Collection (1861-2009), Economic Ministry Collection (1903-1980), Personal Papers, Other Organizations, and Historical Maps. Half of them have been digitized; 60 percent of these digitized items can be directly viewed online through this system, while the rest can only be viewed in the on-site reading room.
China Unofficial Archives
CUA is an online repository of works by PRC-based individuals who produce independent magazines, books, and documentary films. These works seek to challenge the government's monopolistic vision of the past by offering new interpretations of Chinese history based on different political, ethnic, or gender perspectives. Launched in late 2023, the archive holds more than 850 such items. They are offered free as open-access downloads. Each item has a bilingual introduction explaining its significance and are searchable by tags based on creator, era, topic, and format.
Digital Library of Qing Archives
Digital Library of Qing Archives of the National Palace Museum (NPM) in Taibei integrates the former Grand Council Archives Database = 清代宮中檔奏摺及軍機處檔摺件, the Qing Historical Figures Database = 大清國史人物列傳及史館檔傳包傳稿資料庫, and the Index to Qing Archival Volumes Database = 清代文獻檔冊目錄資料庫 as well as other holdings of Qing archives at the NPM. The new database is free and does no longer require usernames and passwords.
Maoist Legacy
The Maoist Legacy Collection at the University of Freiburg holds several thousand original documents, handbooks, and personal dossiers from the 1950s until the 1980s. It ranks among the most comprehensive collections worldwide on the question of how a communist dictatorship has attempted to address injustices and atrocities committed in its own name. The main focus of the collection is devoted to the immediate post-Maoist period in the late 1970s and early 1980s, when dozens of millions of "unjust cases" were revised in the People's Republic of China under the new leadership around Hua Guofeng, Deng Xiaoping and Hu Yaobang. Today, over 5,000 documents of the collection have been annotated and digitized for further research Due to privacy laws, currently the vast majority of individual case files cannot be made available in digitized format.
Modern History Databases (MHDB)
Maintained by the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, offers cross-database search and retrieval across 18 databases of historical and literary documents and publications from the Qing to Republican periods. Cross-database search is free with registration, but results (and retrieval) are often improved by searching within constituent databases.
Unofficial Poetry Journals from China
Unofficial poetry publications from China, collected by Maghiel van Crevel. This unofficial poetry is hugely influential but difficult to access. To address this paradox and advance research, teaching, and use by the general reader, Leiden University Libraries has digitized large parts of the collection and made this material freely accessible online.The collection contains early specimens from the late 1970s and extends to the early 21st century. It mainly consists of journals but also includes a limited number of monographs. The collection shows how unofficial poetry accommodates various marginalized groups in China, including "avant-garde" poets, precarious workers, and members of the queer community. Some of the titles also contain other genres than poetry. The collection also contains some early unofficial publications from the high-socialist period.
Digital Humanities Tools and Data Sets
Rigorous evidence from AidData's uniquely comprehensive data and analysis about the changing nature, scale, and scope of China's overseas development program, its planet-scale impact, and how its perceived in the Global South.
Chinese Historical Christian Database
The China Historical Christian Database (CHCD) quantifies and visualizes the place of Christianity in modern China (1550-1950). It provides users the tools to discover where every Christian church, school, hospital, orphanage, publishing house, and the like were located in China, and it documents who worked inside those buildings, both foreign and Chinese. Collectively, this information creates spatial maps and generates relational networks that reveal where, when, and how Western ideas, technologies, and practices entered China. Simultaneously, it uncovers how and through whom Chinese ideas, technologies, and practices were conveyed to the West.
Chinese Religious Text Authority
The Chinese Religious Text Authority (CRTA) provides reliable bibliographic and academic information about Chinese religious texts, focusing on texts produced prior to 1949. The Chinese Religious Text Authority aims to connect bibliographic information across collections, archives, and private libraries in order to map out detailed webs of relationships among producers, publishers, and distributors of religious texts. In this first phase of the project, we focus on a corpus of pre-1949 Chinese Religious texts included in major reprint collections. The data generated from this open-access, international, collaborative project has the potential to reveal formerly undiscovered associations.
Contemporary Chinese Village Gazetteer Data
Open dataset consisting of data selected Chinese village gazetteers. Village gazetteers record statistical data on individual villages, covering the years from 1949 to the present showing the history and development of Chinese villages.
DocuSky Collaboration Platform is an online platform created by the Digital Humanities Research Center at National Taiwan University that hosts datasets, digital tools, and learning resources for digital humanities research.
LoGaRT: Local Gazetteers Research Tools
The Max Planck Institute: LoGaRT is a software for searching, analyzing, and collecting data from digitized Chinese local gazetteers. It provides historians with a bird's-eye view on a collection of gazetteers beyond browsing and reading individually. The philosophy behind LoGaRT is to treat all the digitized gazetteers available as a conceptual database for historical inquiries. Thus, LoGaRT allows historians to ask larger-scale questions that are not necessarily bounded by geographical regions, time periods, or individual efforts. There are many collections of digitized Chinese local gazetteers with differing quality and licensing conditions. Currently, two high-quality collections are accessible via LoGaRT: Rare Local Gazetteers at Harvard-Yenching Library and Erudition's Zhongguo fangzhi ku (中国方志库).
World Historical Gazetteer
The mission of the World Historical Gazetteer is to build a platform for open linked historical place data in order to foster deeper understanding of place history and to improve discovery of places that have had many names over time. The WHG place index is accessible through tools and services that permit users to search and browse information about places, augment and contribute their own place records, assemble and publish information about places, and use information about places in teaching and communication.
Digital Manuscript and Rare Book Collections
Buddhist Digital Archives
BDRC developed the Buddhist Digital Archives (BUDA) as a collaborative platform for Buddhist texts in order to benefit the Buddhist community and BDRC's many users in academia. With new features and an innovative design, BUDA greatly improves access to a vast collection of Tibetan Buddhist works, as well as to collections of Sanskrit, Chinese, Pali, Burmese, and Khmer materials. It is open source and as open access as possible. Resources are made available by both BDRC and its partner collections.
Chinese Rare Book Digital Collection, Library of Congress
The Chinese Rare Book Digital Collection draws from the 5,300 titles of Chinese rare books housed at the Asian Division of the Library of Congress. The online presentation includes nearly 2,000 digitized rare titles. The Chinese Rare Book Digital Collection includes the most valuable titles and editions housed in the Library's Asian Division, some of which date back to the 11th or 12th century and are the only extant copies in the world. This new digital collection brings together printed books, manuscripts, Buddhist sutras, works with hand-painted pictures, local gazetteers, and ancient maps.
Chinese Text Project
The goal of this site is to present accurate and accessible copies of ancient (in particular pre-Qin and Han dynasty) Chinese texts in an organized and searchable format, and to make the best possible use of modern technology to aid in the study and research of these texts, so making them accessible to the widest possible audience.
Harvard Yenching Chinese Rare Books
The Harvard-Yenching Library's Chinese Rare Book collection includes Chinese books from the 13th to 19th centuries covering classics & history, philosophy, collectanea, and unique manuscripts. The collection is composed of: 1,500 Song, Yuan, and Ming block-print books (including duplicates), and 188 of them cannot be found in any of the major libraries in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, or Japan; Roughly 1,500 manuscripts (including holographs); Song, Yuan, and Ming encyclopedias (leishu); Nearly 2,600 gazetteers, including 720 rare editions printed from the Ming through the Qianlong period; Banned books and women's writing.
National Library of China e-resources
The National Library of China (NLC) has opened 21 databases on its 中国古籍保护网 to the public. The following databases are accessible through the NLC: 数字古籍 Digital Rare books, 数字方志 Digital Gazetteers, 中华寻根网 China genealogical database, 赵城金藏 Zhaocheng Jin Tripitaka, 年画撷英 Chinese New Year prints, 碑帖精华 Rubbings database, 宋人文集 Collected works of the Song, 甲骨世界 Oracle Bones, 西夏文献 Tangut texts, 西夏论著 Tangut Studies Bibliography, 前尘旧影 Historic photographs, 徽州善本家谱 Collection of Huizhou Jiapu, 中华医药典籍资源库(测试版)Classical works of Chinese Medicine, 法藏敦煌遗书 Dunhuang collections of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF), and other collections.
Zhongguo xieben wenxian shuzi ziyuan ku
Operated by the China Academic Digital Associative Library (CADAL) this database includes Dunhuang manuscripts (images included are mostly from China and the UK, but are supposed to increase over the next years) as well as collections of other local manuscripts (currently mostly contracts). The database is freely available. Please note that the image viewer of the database works best with the Edge and Chrome browsers.
GIS and Spatial Research
Land Survey Maps of China, 1895-1944
CHMap provides quick access to 4,088 land survey maps of China produced by either China's central and provincial governments or the land survey department of the Japanese Army during the late 19th and the early 20th centuries. They are the first maps that provide accurate and large-scale outlooks (1:50,000) to a wide geography of proper China. In CHMap, users can access these land survey maps digitized by Shanghai Jiao Tong University and hosted at Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, as well as those hosted at Academia Sinica.
Mapping Global China
The Mapping Global China project is designed to offer a distinctive view of China's global economic endeavors through data-driven analysis and research. Our project includes maps, datasets, and studies on China's international engagement, such as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Our resources compile information from a variety of credible sources, which range from the Reconnecting Asia Project Database to the Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Hong Kong, AIDDATA GeoQuery, the Boston University Global China Dataset, the Australian Strategic Policy/International Cyber Policy Center, and projects compiled by NYU Shanghai. Each project is connected to satellite imagery that allows users to examine the transformation of areas before and after project development.
Modern China Geospatial Database
The Modern China Geospatial Database (MCGD) seeks to provide an all-encompassing series of datasets for the spatial analysis of modern China. The purpose of MCGD is to identify and collect all the name variants under which locations in China were named in historical sources. In particular, this includes the amazing variety of transliteration systems through which Westerners designated place names (e.g. for Shanghai: Shang-hae, Changhaï, Schanghai, etc.). The MCGS Search interface can be used to identify and locate place names. User can search place name individually or they can upload a list of place names as a CSV file. The search engine will retrieve any name, in Chinese or any transliteration system, and provide the geo-coordinates, along with the current name in Chinese and pinyin, as well as all known designations.
The China Historical Geographic Information System, CHGIS
Launched in January 2001 to establish a database of populated places and historical administrative units for the period of Chinese history between 221 BCE and 1911 CE.
The People's Map of Global China
The People's Map of Global China tracks China's complex and rapidly changing international activities. Drawing on the expertise of researchers and civil society organisations from across the world, this open access and interactive archive provides in-depth and grounded knowledge about China's global imprint that reflects the ever-evolving nature of China's international engagements. The map consists of profiles of countries and projects, sortable by project parameters, Chinese companies and banks involved, and their social, political, and environmental impacts.
Newspapers (primary sources)
Bilingual Database and Annotated Bibliography of Cantonese Popular Periodicals of the Early Twentieth Century
Until the end of the first half of the last century, there existed between the cities of Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macau, a constant sharing of authors, cross-border advertisements, overlapping distribution networks and common cultural icons. By building on the works of previous researchers and librarians, we have collected information about popular periodicals stored in various databases, libraries in Hong Kong, Macau and the United Kingdom and private collections to put together the 80 entries found on this site and which together offer a rich expression of a 'Cantonese cultural region'.
East Asian Newspapers and Periodicals 1850-1950
From Internet Archive, The collections here include 266 East Asian (plus Singapore) newspapers, journals, and magazines published in Chinese, Korean, and Japanese languages from 1850-1950.
Late Qing and Republican-Era Chinese Newspapers
This database collects 292 local Republican newspapers covering the period of 1911-1949. The newspapers are full-text searchable. Different from most other databases the OCRed text is visible in this database and can be copied. Included are: 東南日報 (Shanghai), 華北新報 (Beijing), 華光日報 (Nanchang), 立報 (Shanghai), 南京晚報 (Nanjing), 羣力報 (Jiaodong (Shandong), 時事新報 (Shanghai), 實報 (Beijing), 蘇州明報 (Suzhou), 鐵報 (Shanghai), 武漢日報 (Hankou), 西南日報 (Chongqing), 新華日報 (Hankou), 新申報 (Shanghai), 中山日報 (Guangzhou), 中央日報 (Shanghai).
Old Hong Kong Newspapers
The collection provides digitized images of old Hong Kong newspapers from the library, which are accessible through the Multimedia Information System of Hong Kong Public Libraries.
Oral History
CR/10: China's Cultural Revolution in Memories
CR/10 (Cultural Revolution: 10) is an experimental oral history project. It aims to neutrally collect ordinary people's authentic memories and impressions of China's Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, which lasted 10 years, from 1966 to 1976. Collection of interviews began in December 2015 and continues to the present. So far, 121 interviews were posted on University of Pittsburgh's Digital Collections website.
Telling stories: Linguistic diversity in Hong Kong
Free database of speech samples and translations of the many languages and varieties that have been historically spoken or are in use in present-day Hong Kong
The Memory Project
This oral history collection has 739 interviews of survivors of the Great Famine that devastated rural China between 1958 and 1961. Officially known in China as the "Three Years of Natural Disasters" or "The Difficult Three-Year Period," the Great Famine caused the death of between 20 and 43 million people. More recently the project has also covered the Great Leap Forward of 1958-1960, the Land Reform and the Collectivization of 1949-1953, the Four Cleanups Movement in 1964, and the Cultural Revolution of 1966-1976.
Photographs and Visual Media
Chinese Iconography Thesaurus
The Chinese Iconography Thesaurus (CIT) is designed as both an indexing standard and image archive for Chinese iconography. The CIT terminology uses a corpus of historical catalogue records and inscriptions on art objects (e.g. Shiqu baoji and Midian zhulin) as the primary source. The CIT terminology consists of general terms (e.g. plants, animals, people, objects, events), proper names (e.g. names of persons and places in Chinese history, religion, mythology or literature), and terms describing motifs, subjects and themes.
East Asia Image Collection
The EAIC documents the history of imperial Japan (1868-1945), its Asian empire (1895-1945) and occupied Japan (1947-52). Images of Taiwan 台湾, Japan 日本, China 中国, Korea 朝鮮, Manchuria 満洲国, and Indonesia are included.
Hedda Morrison Photographs of China
6000+ photographs by Hedda Morrison during her life in China in 1933-1946
Historical Photographs of China
21,000 images mostly from collections in the UK and Europe
Sidney Gamble photographs, 1906-2007
5500+ photographs and 20+ films from Gamble's four trips of totally nine years in China.
Recommended Subject Guides, Bibliographies, and Translations
Chinese Christian Texts Database
The Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-database) is a referential research database of primary and secondary sources concerning the cultural contacts between China and Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (from 1582 to ca. 1840). The database provides the detailed description of ca. 1.050 Chinese and ca. 4.000 European primary sources from that period. There are over 11.000 secondary sources, which, if applicable, are linked to the primary sources. Extensive searches can be made in the whole database, or in the primary or secondary sources separately. As much as possible the data are linked to the original sources, in so far these appear on public websites.
Chinese Historiography Bibliography
Research guide for Chinese Historiography compiled by Benjamin A. Elman
Ivy Plus Libraries Digital Projects on East Asia
A platform for Ivy plus member libraries to share their published and ongoing digital projects.
Ming History English Translation Project
This collaborative project makes available translations (from Chinese to English) of portions of the 明史 Mingshi, or the Official History of the Ming Dynasty. The Mingshi was presented to the Qing throne in 1736 and published in 1739. Compiled from materials collected over the course of the Ming period (1368-1644) and thereafter, it contains valuable information on Ming government, society, and prominent individuals. The site also provides translations from other sources on Ming, and other resources.
Ming Qing Women's Writings
The Ming Qing Women's Writings digital archive and database project is dedicated to the digitization of collections of writings by women in late imperial China (1368-1911). The website was launched in 2005. The on-going project employs new digital technology to preserve and make accessible on the internet this valuable cultural legacy for future generations of scholars, researchers, and other interested publics, thus building intellectual and technological infrastructure and creating possibilities to generate new methodologies in the fields of digital humanities and China studies. The website consists of a virtual library augmented by the online scholarly apparatus designed and implemented by the McGill Library Digital Initiatives team. In addition, it features a link for each writer to the China Biographical Database hosted at Harvard University.
Modern Chinese Literature and Culture (MCLC) Resource Center
Collection of bibliographies in the field of contemporary Chinese literature and a directory of online resources and a blog on the same topics.
PRC History Group Resource List
Current book reviews, a number of journals focusing on the cultural revolution, like Remembrance 记忆, Yesterday 昨天, and Past Events 往事. It also links to a wide range of resources on PRC History that are freely available.
Xianggang wen xue zi liao ku
Hong Kong Literature Database is the first database on Hong Kong literature. It has been in use for more than two decades since its launched on 15 June 2000. As at June 2024, the database consists of nearly 670,000 records, including more than 200 Hong Kong journals and literary supplement of 20 Hong Kong early newspapers.
Zhongguo gaige kaifang shujuku
Detailed timeline of political events from 1978-2018. The events are listed with links to full-text of speeches, images, articles and oral history recordings. Full use of the website (downloading of articles, images etc.) requires setting up a personal account.
Republican Era Material
Early Chinese Periodicals Online (ECPO)
Hosted at the University of Heidelberg, ECPO collects newspapers and other periodicals from the late Qing and Republican era. So far the emphasis has been on Chinese Women's Magazines in the Late Qing and Early Republican Period and Chinese Entertainment Newspapers (Xiaobao 小報).
Global Image Catalogue of Ancient Chinese Book Collections
The first global digital image retrieval platform for ancient texts has completed its first phase, with a compilation of image data from over 90 Chinese ancient text databases worldwide, totaling 170,000 entries (approximately 136,918 works and 32,654 volumes). The core function of the system is to provide one-stop access to and reading of ancient text edition images.
- Kangzhan wenxian shuju pingtai
Even though this free database by the Institute of Modern History of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences is mainly focused on the Sino-Japanese War and Sino-Japanese relations, it gives access to a wide range of resources from the Republican Period. These include archives, books, newspapers, journals, communist publications, audio recordings, photographs and even musical scores.
Taiwan eBook
Free eBook database for Chinese language books published between 1911 and 1949.